Wednesday Everyone! I hope that you are all having a great day - I know that I am super excited for my last day of work before vacation begins tomorrow!! Here's what we have been up to so far this month - Enjoy!
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Jonathan and I have a love of Netflix, and are probably the last people on Earth that still get movies in the mail. We have a queue of 10-15 movies at any given time, and I love the surprise of not knowing what will be coming in the mail each time. We spent the first day of July drinking one (too many) bottles of wine and watching Netflix movies!
Thursday, July 2, 2015
I am working on a project for Amelia's Bachelorette party and couldn't be more excited to show everyone the final product. While you won't see it until she starts posting pictures after Labor Day Weekend, I can promise you'll love the final look!
Friday, July 3, 2015
On Saturday, July 4th there was a cupcake challenge at work - and of course I had to bake cupcakes the day before. When I started making them I wasn't sure how I was going to decorate them, or what they would look like. All I was sure of, is that I wanted to stick with the 4th of July theme!
The original design called for only 50 stars, but I liked the look of more stars on each cupcake so I went for it. Here is my final design! Our cupcake challenge/sale raised almost $300 for Children's Miracle Network and I couldn't be happier with the success!
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Working in the hospitality industry, holidays are always SUPER busy. On the 4th of July I helped our Activities and Food & Beverage departments and my work day started at 6:00am. By lunch time I was ready for a hot dog fresh off the grill and a red bull - sticking with 4th of July colors of course!
Jonathan and I ended the holiday watching fireworks from our driveway and drinking champagne [with popsicles]. It awesome to be able to watch 3 sets of fireworks from our driveway, and nice to walk right inside afterwards! If only Noodle enjoyed the fireworks as much as we did. Note to self - next year give Noodle anti-anxiety medicine a few hours before dark on the 4th!
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Sunday I got called into work for a few quick things, and then was stuck in traffic heading home for a couple of hours. I picked up Dunkin Donuts for Jonathan on my way home and we spent the afternoon relaxing outside and then on the couch. I love reading books and watching golf with Noodle and Jonathan on a Sunday afternoon!
Monday, July 6, 2015 - Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Monday and Tuesday were SUPER busy days at work. We had a HUGE Grand Re-Opening party scheduled for Wednesday, July 8th so these days were spent running errands, picking up supplies, and setting up the room for the big event! I was lucky to have our Food & Beverage Supervisor looking out for me and making sure I had a healthy lunch both days!
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Wednesday marked the Grand Re-Opening of the Pool Deck at work. The morning started off crazy with a power outage at work and no A/C, but we pushed through. The flowers were delivered on-time and they made the room where we had the cocktail reception. They were exactly what I wanted and I was very happy with the look.
The entire management team wore black for the event, and I tried out Rent the Runway for the first time. I will be posting about that when I return from vacation, but I loved the dress and overall had a great experience.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Many of you are aware that we have Friday Night Pizza Night at my house - but this week I rescheduled for Thursday. I had an extremely busy week and was going to have Friday off of work so Thursday night ended with pizza and beer.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Friday marked the 6th anniversary of the day that Jonathan and I started dating. It all began at a Toby Keith concert when I was visiting him in Virginia in 2009. He bought me these beautiful roses for our anniversary and I love them!
Since I had the day off I decided to make Luau Ribs, which take about 2 1/2 hours - definitely a day off dinner. They were a huge hit and a great meal to eat while celebrating our anniversary. After dinner we hung out and played Phase 10 - for the record I won!!!
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Saturday I headed to work while Jonathan and his co-worker Anthony went golfing. When I got home from work we decided to head to the beach to grab dinner and drinks, and picked up Madeline on our way. We had a great dinner at Spazio followed by an entertaining night at Soprano's Piano Bar. #MadsAndJacks love hanging out with the #TParkerHostTwins!!
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Sunday we celebrated our anniversary - since we both had to work on Monday. The day started with delicious cinnamon buns from Publix, and a few episodes of Fixer Upper. Jonathan said I could pick the show for 2 hours since it was our anniversary :)
After exchanging out gifts, a nap, and a few hours of lounging around the house we headed to the Jeep Dealership. We traded in the old Jeep for a pretty new one! Happy Anniversary to us!
Monday, July 13, 2015
Monday marked our 2-year anniversary, and you can read my post about our celebration here. We both had to work so we headed out for a sushi dinner. Nothing fancy, but it was great fun, great conversation and a great way to celebrate our special day!!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
I decided to make tumblers for my family for our upcoming trip to Hilton Head. Of course, I couldn't decide on a design until the last minute and just washed the tumblers last night. I'm excited to add the vinyl design, names, and box up the cups to take with us tomorrow. I'm hoping everyone in the family is as excited about these as I am!I won't be back for a weekly recap until after my vacation - so check back on July 27th for Part 1 of my Haemmerle Family Vacation Update!
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