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Friday, July 3, 2015

Friday Favorites | 4th of July Pinspiration

It's Friday and time for a link-up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci for another edition of Friday Favorites! Since we are leading into the 4th of July weekend I thought it would be the perfect time to talk about my favorite 4th of July Pinspiration - see all of my Pinterest favorites here!

4th of July Looks I Love

one | two | three | four | five

Having to work on the 4th requires me to find a work-appropriate outfit when I would much prefer to be in a shorts and a tank top at the beach. These are a few work appropriate outfits, along with some that are made for the beach. What are you going to be wearing this weekend?

4th of July Desserts

one | two | three | four

We have a 4th of July Cupcake Challenge at work tomorrow - and I am still undecided about how I am going to decorate mine. There are a few different options I have found to choose from - check out my Instagram tomorrow to see what I decided on! I cannot promise you that they will look as good as these pictures, but I am hoping that they will taste amazing - classic white cake is my favorite!

4th of July Appetizers

one | two | three | four | five

I could live on appetizers and never eat an entrée again. I love holidays because they often center around great food and many appetizers! Here are some fun 4th of July pinspired treats! Do you have any other suggestions for themed treats? I'd love to hear about them!

Working in the Hospitality Industry I have to work today and Saturday but have big plans for a relaxing day on Sunday. I hope that you all have a great holiday weekend with your family and friends!

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