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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Repurposed Table DIY Project

It may seem crazy, but this gem was found in my neighbor's trash when I was walking Noodle a few weeks ago. My friend Madeline had been looking for a bench this size for her bathroom, and I figured with a little foam and fabric I could make it exactly what she wanted, for a fraction of the cost.

After picking this out of the trash, I made sure to thoroughly clean it. I then worked with Madeline to find a fabric that she wanted to use to cover it. After looking all over, she ended up purchasing a shower curtain from Target that was perfect. I bought the foam from Jo-Ann Fabrics, and we were ready to get started. Using scissors, my staple gun, a kitchen knife, and painters tape we were ready to recover this and make it into a bench!

I first removed the table top from the base and laid it out on the piece of foam. Using a kitchen knife I cut through the foam making sure it was the right size.

The next step was to cut the fabric, making sure the pattern was lined up how we wanted it. I first stapled the two long sides, and then moved to the shorter sides, making sure that the corners looked nice. After stapling the fabric into place, I put a piece of painters tape along the edges just to keep it from fraying. The final product turned out perfect - I love the look!

The final product turned out perfect - I love the look and the total cost was under $20!

 photo jackie-sig_zpsbcf6d87e.png

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