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Monday, April 20, 2015

Lilly Pulitzer for Target | What I Bought

Good Morning Ladies! As I'm sure you know by now the Lilly Pulitzer for Target Line launched yesterday. I was completely unsuccessful in buying anything online so I headed to my local target around 6:50am yesterday to try and score some of the items I wanted.

I arrived at Target around 6:50am, waiting for the store to open at 8:00am. I was the 5th person in line and the first 10 of us started chatting and became "friends." It worked out well because none of us were really looking for the same items, and if we were we all needed different sizes.


These are all of the items that I walked away with after the sale. I am keeping most of them but a few don't fit so I will be returning today or tomorrow. It is crazy to think that being the 5th person in line I still wasn't able to pick-up all of the items I wanted.

I first headed to the clothing items, thinking that these would sell out quickly. Not only could I only get some of the items I wanted, I couldn't even attempt to pick-up the items for other people I know. I was able to grab a few items in my size and then I headed to the home section.
Since a main focus of this shopping trip was to pick up items for the guest bedroom, I am please that I was able to get a couple of pillows but that's about it from the home section. It is also crazy to think that all of the accessories, beauty, shoes, and bags were gone before I even set foot in those sections.

I hope you were all able to pick up a few Lilly items during the sale. I know that tons of people are selling things on eBay for triple the price, but please know that it is not worth it. The quality of the Lilly for Target Brand is perfect for the $40 price point, but definitely not worth the prices on eBay. As a Lilly Lover, I would definitely recommend paying full price (or sale price) in-store over the ridiculous eBay prices!

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