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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Jillian Harper Foster - Part 2

Just after we reached the 12 week mark we made an appointment to see a perinatologist, We wanted to check on the growth of our baby, have a nuchal translucency screening, and to make sure that everything was okay. After having the screening done, there was an indication that something may be wrong with our baby so the doctor recommended that I have the harmony blood screening test to see if there was any indication of chromosomal abnormalities.

Baby JFo - 12 Weeks 2 Days

When the doctor called to tell me that the results were negative for an indication of chromosomal abnormalities, they were also able to tell me the sex of the baby. I was excited to find out and was surprised that the blood test would tell me this. I thought about waiting to find out with Jonathan there, but was too excited in the moment and wanted them to tell me right away. They told me that we were expecting a baby GIRL and I was over the moon excited.

Since I didn't have a special or exciting way to tell Jonathan that we were pregnant I wanted to make sure to tell him the sex of our baby in an exciting and memorable way. My weekly poster that week was made saying "mommy found out if you will be a boy or a girl and is surprising daddy this week." When Jonathan went to take my picture and read the poster he was excited to find out that I had a gift for him to open to find out the sex of our baby. Before opening the present he had to guess if we were having a boy or a girl. He guessed girl - and was right! We decided that night on our baby girl's name - Jillian Harper Foster.

In the week that followed I worked on ideas of how to tell our family that we were expecting a baby girl. I decided to send another gift to the family and have them FaceTime us before opening the gift. We were also lucky enough to have Lindsey, Dad and Ann in town for my cousin's wedding so we got to see their reaction in person!

Our idea of how to tell our family the sex of baby JFo included hair bows, pink shoes, and confetti! I wrapped each hair bow in a silver tin filled with confetti that said "baby girl." The tins were wrapped with blue, green, yellow and pink ribbon as to not give away the surprise. Once we FaceTimed with our family we made them guess the sex before we would let them open the gift to find out.

We were surprised to hear the different guesses, but everyone was super excited that we were expecting a baby girl. We also told everyone this day that our daughter's name would be Jillian Harper. In the weeks that followed we shared the news of a baby girl with our extended family and friends. We were so excited to be having a little girl, and that baby JFo finally had a name.

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